Monthly Archives: May 2023

Google’s Bard on Language Acquisition and Large Language Models


Based on your understanding of the ideas and theories of Stephen Krashen write a short presentation that Krashen might give on the possibilities offered by large language models.

Bard’s Response

Good morning. My name is Stephen Krashen, and I am a professor emeritus of linguistics at the University of Southern California. I am here today to talk to you about the possibilities offered by large language models.

Large language models are a type of artificial intelligence that are trained on massive datasets of text. This training allows them to learn the statistical relationships between words and phrases, and to generate text that is similar to the text they were trained on.

Large language models have a number of potential benefits for language learning. First, they can be used to provide learners with comprehensible input. Comprehensible input is input that is just a little bit beyond the learner’s current level of proficiency. It is input that the learner can understand with a little bit of effort.

Large language models can provide comprehensible input in a number of ways. They can be used to generate personalized stories, articles, and other texts that are tailored to the learner’s individual needs. They can also be used to translate texts from one language to another, which can help learners to access a wider range of materials.

Second, large language models can be used to provide feedback on learners’ output. Output is the production of language by the learner. It is the process of speaking, writing, and reading.

Feedback on output can help learners to improve their accuracy, fluency, and grammar. Large language models can provide feedback on output in a number of ways. They can be used to identify errors in grammar and usage. They can also be used to provide suggestions for how to improve the accuracy, fluency, and style of the learner’s output.

Third, large language models can be used to create new learning experiences. For example, they can be used to create virtual worlds where learners can interact with native speakers and practice their language skills. They can also be used to create games and other interactive activities that make learning fun and engaging.

In conclusion, large language models have a number of potential benefits for language learning. They can be used to provide comprehensible input, feedback on output, and new learning experiences. I believe that large language models have the potential to revolutionize language learning.

Thank you for your time.thumb_upthumb_downuploadGoogle itmore_vert

Language Acquisition and Large Language Models

I have been wondering what language teachers and researchers are saying about the possibilities for using large language models for language acquisition. I found one reference to Krashen and ChatGPT:

A glance at Stephen Krashen’s Twitter timeline revealed nothing, so I decided to ask ChatGPT what it thought Krashen might say. Here is the prompt:

Prompt for ChatGPT

Based on your understanding of the ideas and theories of Stephen Krashen write a short presentation that Krashen might give on the possibilities offered by large language models.

I found ChatGPT’s answer to be rather inteeresting!

ChatGPT’s Response

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for joining me today. Today, I want to discuss an exciting development in the field of language acquisition—the possibilities offered by large language models. As a linguist and proponent of second language acquisition, I believe that these models have the potential to revolutionize language learning.

First, let me introduce myself. I am Stephen Krashen, and my research and theories focus on the acquisition of languages. I have long emphasized the importance of comprehensible input, the idea that learners acquire language when they understand messages that are slightly beyond their current level. This concept forms the foundation of my theories.

Now, let’s delve into the possibilities presented by large language models. These models, like the one I’m speaking through today, possess an astonishing ability to generate human-like text and engage in conversations. They are trained on vast amounts of data, making them highly knowledgeable about various topics, including language.

One of the key benefits of large language models is their capacity to provide comprehensible input to language learners. They can offer learners a wide range of texts, conversations, and explanations tailored to their individual proficiency levels. This personalized approach has the potential to enhance the learning experience and make it more engaging, promoting the acquisition of the target language.

Furthermore, large language models can serve as virtual language partners, offering continuous interaction and conversation practice. Learners can engage in dialogues, ask questions, and receive immediate responses, thereby honing their speaking and listening skills. This virtual interaction can be invaluable, especially for learners who have limited access to native speakers or language immersion environments.

Another advantage lies in the diversity of language input large language models can provide. Learners can explore different registers, dialects, and genres, which enhances their overall language proficiency. By exposing learners to various linguistic patterns and styles, these models contribute to a well-rounded understanding of the language and its cultural nuances.

Additionally, large language models are not restricted by time or space. Learners can access them anytime, anywhere, allowing for flexible and convenient language learning opportunities. Whether you’re commuting, taking a break, or simply seeking a language challenge, these models are readily available to assist you.

However, it’s important to acknowledge the limitations. Large language models excel at generating text, but they may not fully replicate the dynamic nature of human interaction. Learners should strive for real-life conversations and experiences whenever possible to develop their communicative skills holistically.

In conclusion, large language models present exciting possibilities for language acquisition. They provide learners with comprehensible input, personalized interaction, and diverse language exposure. By embracing these models as valuable tools, we can enhance language learning experiences and empower learners worldwide.

Thank you for your attention, and I invite you to explore the potentials of large language models in your language learning journey.